Author, Lisa Godsey, recently highlighted Tesko's Wall Panels as an example of "Formed Panels" in her latest textbook,"Interior Design Materials and Specifications," published by Fairchild Books.
Lisa visited Tesko for a tour of the shop and to view the various machines and processes involved in custom metal fabrication . She commented, "Tesko has a strong commitment to education because your generosity allowed for a great learning experience for me. I was thrilled to have access to such a significant member of the industry and to share what I learned with my students."
Tesko impressed architects with the quality and breadth of their work while exhibiting at the annual AIA Conference in early November.
Reprinted from NOMMA"S "Fabricator Magazine"
In an effort to build rapport with their local architectural industry, NOMMA Member, Tesko Enterprises, recently hosted a "lunch and learn" event for 14 architects from Eckenhoff Saunders Architectural firm in Chicago, IL. the architects were able to observe the capabilities of Tesko Enterprises. Particularly, Tesko took the opportunity to show off their Mitsubishi 4000 watt laser, which had been programmed to cut brushed and stainless pen holders. These were then bent and filed and handed out to the guests. "The laser has a 5 x 70 rotating table and replaced and older model six years ago," said Dan Spiewak, Tesko's laser specialist.
The architects also enjoyed a tour of Tesko's facilities and displays of Tesko's work. Tesko Enterprises specializes in high-end architectural metal work, mostly for commercial applications.
Reprinted from "NICKEL" - The official publication of the Nickel Institute
Today's architects are deeply concerned about the environmental sustainability of our cities, society and planet. Therefore, they strive to become fully aware of the environmental impacts of their individual projects. The materials they select have the greatest potential to impact the environment compared with any other single element of their project.
Reprinted from"Ornamental and Miscellaneous Metal Fabricator"
Built on the strong work ethic of the company's founder, Tesko Enterprises continues to tackle new types of work and challenges.
Like so many businesses in this country, Tesko Enterprises began on a shoestring by hard working immigrants. Today Tesko Enterprises is a metal shop that is very diversified.
They still manufacture showcases of metal and glass for exclusive department and jewelry stores throughout the country and Canada. In addition, they produce clothes racks, tables, and other objects used for display, such as items used by Nike in their clothing stores. These are not the standard racks that are available through distributors, but each one is custom designed and built individually. Most of the designs are submitted by the stores or the designer. Since the stores are exclusive shops, most of the designs are very unusual and very challenging to produce.
Many of the products made are for architects and the designs are exclusive. One such item is uniquely designed chair of stainless steel with an upholstered seat. This item really could be considered a work of art. The majority of the work crafted at Tesko is done in stainless steel, but they work in a lot of other metals, including brass, bronze, aluminum, and steel of different types.
One of the items they produce is the roll cage structure for portable generators. They are the only ones producing the roll cage for the manufacturer of the portable generator. The roll cage is made of tubular steel and bent in several directions to make the configuration.
One of the most recent projects was glass walls that were designed by Krueck & Sexton architects and used in Chicago's Merchandise Mart for the Herman Miller Co. Tesko's task was to make the stainless steel uprights and channels to hold the glass walls that were installed throughout the area. Each post had to be individually designed because as the wall progressed the angles would change. The whole thing was on a very tight schedule, but Tesko met the challenge.
Reprinted from "Crain's Small Business - Chicago Edition"
In 1986, the company moved into its present 53,000-square-foot quarters, which consist of corporate offices adjacent to a large plant. Workers shear, form, weld, grind and polish or paint a variety of metals.
The end results become cases, canopies, railings, elevator doors, wall partitions, conference tables and chairs for a diverse list of well-known users such as the Chicago Historical Society, Midwest Stock Exchange, United Parcel Service of America Inc. and the United Center, where Tesko cases house NBA championship trophies.
Today, Tesko employs 80 workers, does business in 40 states, and expects to generate annual sales just above $7 million.
