OUR CUSTOMERS frequently ask us similar questions. If you don't find an answer to your question below, please contact us at: 800-621-4514.
- Can you handle all the services required to finish my project such as assembly, packaging, plating, painting or whatever else my project calls for?
- Tesko offers a wide range of in-house custom metal fabricating services. Additionally, we have formed alliances with key providers of other metal fabricating services you may require but not performed in-house, so Tesko totally handles the project from start to finish. We can turnkey any architectural/ornamental metal fabricating project.
- Can you provide project consulting assistance to ensure project is done right, better, or more inexpensively?
- Our goal is to provide our customers with the best possible results for their metal fabricating projects. Before projects begin, often during our response to your request for quotations, we provide alternatives, advice, or will point out why some technical aspects of the project will not work as initially designed. Your project should be performed as correctly, and cost-effectively as possible.
- Can you handle stainless steel, brass, copper or whatever metals my project requires?
- We have expertise in handling most metals your architectural or ornamental metal project requires. Our skilled craftsmen have decades of metalworking experience and understand the unique requirements of working with difficult metals, like stainless steel, reducing waste and lost time.
- Can I get the metal finish I need?
- Tesko offers a wide range of standard metal finishes as well as custom finishes. We can provide whatever finishes your project calls for.
- How accurate are your lead-time estimates?
- Our quotes contain very accurate lead-time estimates. We contact our metal suppliers, prior to quote response, to ensure our quotes are as accurate as possible. Customer projects often must be coordinated with other building activities and poor estimates can cause major headaches. If delivery estimates must be altered due to project changes or vendor issues, our communication to you is immediate. We use multiple metal vendors to ensure the raw materials' deliveries needed for your project are timely.
- Do you make prototypes or even "one-offs"?
- Yes we do. We understand many custom ornamental and architectural metal projects are unique, so prototypes and "one- offs" are often required.
- Do you really have the ability to provide high-end architectural metal fabrication services?
- Absolutely! Tesko has specialized in providing metal fabricating services for very high-end architectural and ornamental metal projects since the mid-1950s. Our focus on high-end projects makes us unique. Check what our customers say about us.
- How capable is Tesko in cladding wood with most metals?
- This question is a big concern to our woodworking customers. We can clad virtually any custom woodworked product with whatever metal cladding is required. We have extensive experience combining custom woodwork with finished metal. We will work from a detailed drawing or, preferably, will clad the items supplied to us.
- Do you offer plant tours so we can really determine your capabilities?
- We welcome plant tours. We are proud of our custom metal fabricating abilities and would be glad to demonstrate our capabilities. Just contact us and we can set up a tour.
- Do I need drawings?
- Tesko's engineering department is capable of producing the required production drawings from complete concept design, to a sketch made on a napkin, to using your supplied CAD drawings.
- Do you use CAD?
- We can accept and download any CAD drawings. Final in-house drawings are performed using AutoCad, or may be drawn by hand, depending on the project requirements. Emailed drawings should be in .DXF or .DWG formats with closed polylines.

